There is something so very profound in pushing the limits of what we know can be done. Man since his conception has challenged what he knows to be true. "Why?" The citizens of drowsy, lethargic society ask. Why not just accept what is known to be true? Because it is simply that we are what we know. We mortals appearing but for a moment on the battlefield of the immortal titans of good and evil look at ourselves and ask "why?". Our questions are answered in the limits of what we know with the paradox of another question "how?".
In my own life I have found many questions of "how?" and "why?" but the one that is the most real to me the most tangible is "how fast can I go?" From a child my father took me to automobile races of all kinds. At these I witnessed man and machine moving arcoss space and time at speeds that just a few short years ago would have been considered unable to be. There is a change in being at tremendous speed. Time seems to slow and thoughts and reasoning seem to come to you faster than you can comprehend exactly what you're mind is processing. The human struggle to propel ourselves across distance in shorter times is so gritty so real to me. A boy that I had been aquainted with at school lost his life this past week in an automobile accident. The instructors told us that he had been going in excess 250 mph when he lost control of his vehicle. I wonder what he must have felt? The adrenaline pumping through his veins. The sound in his ears the deafening roar of this earth, this time. Most will scoff at his boy wasting his life for this thrill, but what is life without thrill? Without knowing? Is it meaningless? This question of "how fast can I go?" is it any different than the other questions? Any less significant? The limits are there, but are we willing to push?
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