Have you ever wondered what it is exactly that makes you acceptable to society? Is it your good manners, your regard for life and justice or is it just the fact that you don't "rock the boat", "make waves" in our little pond of society? I have often wondered how for instance that classes came to be in society. In medieval times there were those men that were of "noble" blood and those of "common" lineage. How is it exactly that noblemen became so "noble" and common men became so "common?" I've been watching Borat clips on YouTube and the one thing that i've observed overall is that Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) see's the absurdity of our cultures. He says and does all the "wrong" things in the feign of ignorance. Peoples reaction most of the time is stunned silence or they talk to Borat as they would a child. Why do we delude ourselves that somehow not talking about or acknowledging a subject makes it disappear? Why do we train ourselves and our offspring to sweep "unpleasant" subjects under the rug and pretend that everything and everyone is fine? I'm just as guilty as the next guy in trying to be acceptable to society, but why is it this way? Why are we not straight forward and honest with ourselves and each other? Are we so ashamed of how far we have fallen?
So I intend to remove you from obscurity. I posted about your site on mine. Not that anyone actually reads my site though!
Sweet!! My big break into blogging fame!
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