To be completely honest with you without sounding too full of myself; I don't have any irrational fears, save one.
I have this intense fear of commitment. I can look spiders in their beady little eyes or jump off a forty foot tall bridge into the lake but settling down with some nice girl scares the hell out of me. It feels so real, so final.
I've never had a relationship last longer than about six months without subconsciously or sometimes consciously sabotaging it.
I see couples so happy just to be together and it makes me wish that I could have what they have, but when it gets to the point of no return, with almost an involuntary reaction, I bow out. Some tell me that this is because I haven't met the "right" girl yet, and others seem to think that this is because I'm part of the male population which is evil incarnate.
I've spent many lonely nights pondering if I'll be a confirmed bachelor for the remainder of my days and I've spent many first, second, and third dates wondering how to "ditch this chick."
I'm only twenty-three, young by most accounts, so I'm told that I have plenty of time to work this out and meet my "fishie."
So here's a toast to our fears, our doubts and love.
My neighbor just had a fish fry. I like sweet potato fries. You're a sweetie.
cheers indeed
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