One of the interesting questions that has confounded men for centuries, maybe millennia, is "Are we alone?" This question has been ignored, counted as frivolous, and put into the category of "Science Fiction" by the powers that be. Movies like E.T., Signs, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and hundreds more, countless books and articles pose this question to the populous. There are people that absolutely believe that there are extraterrestrials in this universe and maybe living along side of us. NASA adamantly denies the existence of aliens from outer space, but has a number of programs trying to make contact with such intelligent beings by radio waves and the such. Incidents such as the Roswell, New Mexico crash, the Phoenix lights (which has thousands of witnesses), and hundreds of thousand of other sightings have been reported. So the question remains amidst the mountain of evidence "Are we alone?" What effect would contact with extraterrestrials have on society? On religion? On the fundamental existence that we know today? Myself, I am undecided on what to think. On one hand I can see that they would change us, yet on the other hand would we change us. I mean would we throw all our hard earned beliefs and philosophies out the window when the flying saucer lands on the white house lawn? What do you think? Is there someone out there? Up in the stars?
I think the Senate has been avoiding this question...oh...wait...that is a different alien.
I think that people who are secure and well tempered would take it in stride if long faced green men came knocking on their doors. I mean, to some people (namely those that are a bit too inflexable in their beliefs) the world would be shattered and chaos would reign in their minds until they could explain it away, put a bandaid on their already teetering worldview. To others (namely those that are broad minded and of a more even keeled nature) this would be, though perhaps surprising, just one more new piece of information to account for, play with, and use should it be needed in day-to-day decision making. On a mass scale I don't know what effect it would have... I wonder if it would cause more unification or division among the world's nations.
PS Hi Dan! I thought I'd drop by and see what you're up to because I haven't for a while. I don't think the video in your most recent post is working...
PSS Haha! I like Brian's comment.
Hi Michelle.. yeah youtube sucks some times
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