Global warming one of the most widely spread theories across America today. That's right just a theory not a truth Al. It's more like inconvenient propaganda. It is being pounded into our heads without solid scientific evidence. Since when is it wrong to challenge scientific fact. Does anyone still think the the world is flat? Or has anyone had a grilled moon cheese sandwich lately.(sounds pretty grub by the way) Anyone who questions these conclusions is said to be blind to global events, but maybe we should do a little scientific footwork before we blame your SUV Mr. Gore. The Martians planet Mars is also experiencing "global warming" and it is theorized that other planets orbiting our sun Sol are not exempt from this phenomena. Sol has been experiencing the most violent solar cycle recorded. Massive solar flares a few short years ago blinding satelites and increased stresses on the earth aided in hurricanes and tsunamis. Mr. Gore please get off the internet and get to a confessional booth near you. Confession is good for the soul especially when concerning the apocalypse.
Al Gore may or may not be a hypocrite, but two things should be considered concerning the "theory" of global warming.
(1. As one who is in training to become a biblical scholar, I can tell you that (a. it is a miracle when two or three scholars lock arms on several different points and (b. it is frustrating when the public ignores solid scholarly opinion in favor of pop-history like Dan Brown's fiction.
(2. Recent opinion from the global (and I emphasize global) scientific community is that we responsible is a probability of 90-95%. We are talking of 250 scientist contributing with approx. another 500 scientist reviewing their proposals. And (think about the above point) they have come to almost universal agreement.
Some have proposed that they need the attention. Hardly. My old roommate Brandon is a biologist, and he, and the other "scientific" types, don't make themselves into Hollywood stars. Plus, if they all agreed global warming was a fluke, they would have still made the news. In addition, they are mostly a number. How many of their names do we know? No one is getting all the credit here.
Which brings up an additional point. Who is more likely to say global warming is a fluke? Those who work day to day as scientist and will get paid for their findings either way, or those who work for Exxon, or GMC, or President Bush? Just thinking odds here.
So, as a non-scientist (I'd rather sleep my life away thatn study science or math), I must consider not the words of Al Gore, but the probability (emphasize probability) that the scientific community is on to something here.
First off Brian I know that I cannot debate you because your better at that than I am. And secondly popular opinion of scientists or whoever is not always right. Sometimes it is easier for those with the power to ignore what is happening in favor of blaming the popular culprit. You should know this better than all of us man. Thirdly I am not saying that the temperatures on earth are not rising. What I am saying is that The realease of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide, even in the quantities that we relaese them at, are not a probable cause. The earth goes through cycles. There was an ice age before in our history. So what makes us think that it can't happen again? With the complete melting of the earths poles some continents will freeze over into a glacier. And Al Gore is an ass wipe.
I'll have to assume that the original post and the reply was written without actually watching Mr. Gore's film or reading the book. He presents ample scientific evidence. As a meteorologist fot the Navy who has done ice observations in both the arctic and antarctic, I can tell you that the rapid increase in melting IS alarming. Not dooms day, but alarming. And, as he points out in his work, the excellerating impact man has had on the environment can be reversed. And if you continue to fail to believe man has a negative impact on the environment, I'll also have to assume you've never been to LA...
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