Do you ever get those times when your problems seem to just get bigger and bigger? It's like you'd like to just move away and change your name just to be rid of all of it. Despite my best efforts I've made some stupid mistakes the past couple of days, and months, but life is unforgiving. No matter how sorry I am I pay recompense for my stupidity. There is no mercy for the guilty. There are those days that when my alarm goes off at 10 am I want to just roll over and forget the world and all it is. Reality is subjectively real. It is dictated by your state of mind. If your state of mind is different from everyone elses your said to be "out of touch with reality." However individual reality is dictated by what you have percieved or been told to be true. Lifes decisions are delicate. Small ones affect big ones later in time. The thing that is killing me about this is that I know what to do, but I'd rather just be miserable than be what it would make me. I can't stand being by myself right now. I think I'll take a walk.
Dude, is this Dan Z?
I like your blog, by the way (even if this isn't Dan).
Another PS: I also have a blog. You should check it out. Jamison-maddy.blogspot.com.
Thanks a million michellieo
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