People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim.
Life goes by faster than most can compete with. Little by little you let the "here and now" slide to make way for the promise of living "better" tomorrow. The studious, the entrepreneur are heralded as the masters of the world, but at what cost is their feat?
The afterlife or maybe the "later-life", forever debated among scholars and revelators alike, proposes compensation for unwavering loyalty to "the cause", to "the big picture." An opportunity to take in all that was forsaken in the "before-life."
The trend however in this unwavering loyalty is sorrow of having missed what others have not. They long for the feeling, known to them as a child maybe, of being alive, of just being happy to be where they are with whoever they are there with.
It has become more common in our modern society to experience this reckless angst. The "just get through this day to live another" life we've come to know. We suppress our weariness and trudge on to our promised future.
Still it has come to us to question the truth of the promise in exchange of our days, months, and years.
Is it true the impotency of happiness in the life we live? Does it just end with the smell of embrocation, stale piss, and defeat?
Some drink to figure this life out, and then some drink to forget the life they missed.