I've been having strange dreams the past couple of nights. It usually starts with me walking down a hallway or so it sounds because I can't see the walls it's all completely dark. As I walk I can hear progressively louder what sounds like a party or large gathering of people talking and carrying on. The hall remains dark, but the sounds becomes so loud that it sounds as if I'm in the middle of the crowd. I pause and listen to see if I can discern what is being talked about, but all of the words don't seem to fit together in any logical order it's just random words. I continue down this hall of complete midnight until the sounds of the crowd fades to a dull roar then to an utter lack of sound. I travel further down this endless abyss of a hallway until I see a faint light. As if the sun were cresting the hills of the sleeping valley this light reaches for me and I walk toward it. The closer I get to the light I see that it's a window. A window peering outside of this mournful hallway and it's party of phantoms. As I approach the window I can see the ocean below it's sill and hear the waves breaking on the beach. This window above the ocean at the end of the hallway makes me feel lost and cold. I turn to look back down the hallway expecting to be greeted with the endless dark, but instead seeing a lighted room filled with people back in the distance apparently a party. Then I wake up. I can still see the dream and remember the feeling. An odd feeling. A feeling like standing on a tall bridge looking down at the water below and a gust of wind blowing the hat off of your head. For an instant when you see the hat falling you try to reach out and catch it but your hands grasp only air. This morning I wrote about this dream in my journal. I think it must mean something.